THE PREMIERE OF “BARXACOVA” TOOK PLACE ON 11.08.23 at the summer cinema in Parada de Sil (Ourense).
The PREMIERE was attended by film director’s Rosa Taboada, Alfonso Míguez (actor) and the screenwriter Xosé Gallego, who offered a discussion after the screening. The Council of Parada de Sil was directly supported the production and filming in the Necropolis of S. Vítor de Barxacova.
“BARXACOVA” was selected by the Galician Agency for Cultural Industries (AGADIC) to be part of the “SHORTS FROM GALICIA” catalog with a presence at the “45ème Festival du court métrage de Clermont-Ferrand”. Both the short and the poster contain images of paintings by Lesley Seeger, a British painter who lived in the house that appears in the film (Espasantes, Pantón, Lugo) is that, together with the soundtrack of “El Muelle Records” is another added artistic value the short film.
Filmed in natural locations of the “Ribeira Sacra” territory with a very small technical team in order to carry out a sustainable and environmentally responsible production, it took place in two seasonal moments (autumn and spring) that capture the beauty of the landscape and make it a protagonist itsef at the story.